Swedish deep tissue aromatherapy massage
Experience the power of healing aromatherapy massage(human touch), healing music and human connection. 🙂 Pictures are all taken from real massage sessions I had.
Detox, fasting
I am very experienced with water fasting, detoxing, liver and gallbladder flush etc. With great herbal & probiotic products from Korea or spas in Thailand. Or remote mountain in Korea.
Do you like detoxing, cleansing your body? 🙂
Spa date/vacation
I love getting massage and spa treatment. Also Himalayan salt bath. Would you like spa dates or vacation? 🙂
I am curious to try Ayahuasca. I have tried DMT and it was amazing experience. Would you like to travel to Amazon…Brazil or somewhere in the world that is safe to expand consciousness or explore more human soul or life?